You have joined the audience. LADYHAWKE is on the stage. Missy Good is on the stage. Moderator: Welcome Debby and Missy! Moderator: Can you both see the stage gif this time? Missy Good: Howdy. Missy Good: yep. Missy Good: see? LADYHAWKE: hello everyone! Missy Good: I'm sitting in a chair. Moderator: fabulous! Missy Good: it's cute. Missy Good: (the stage) LADYHAWKE: i knew you could do it Moderator: Before we get started... Moderator: let me just explain to the audience how this works.. Missy Good: okay.. I'll just be here drinking coffee. Moderator: you can submit questions to the moderator... LADYHAWKE: pass the cream please Moderator: that's me (bsquared) Moderator: by typing in the submit question area, just below the stage Moderator: it will not automatically appear, though Moderator: I must approve the comment or question before it goes through Moderator: so if you submit something over and over again and wonder why.. LADYHAWKE: do you smell gels? Moderator: it does not appear, take the hint :) Missy Good: I smell windex. Missy Good: this table is shiny. LADYHAWKE: ahhh Moderator: I will not be able to forward all questions or comments... Moderator: but please do submit them when you have them Moderator: and with that out of the way...I now pass the stage to Ladyhawke and Missy! LADYHAWKE: thank god they have AC Moderator: tlc says: "HI dvp!! Welcome" LADYHAWKE: hyello Moderator: Petunia says: "How's the casting going?" Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: hum hum do doo doo Question submitted : So, Debby...How's the quest for funds going?? Missy Good: (chuckle) LADYHAWKE: its going well Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Deb or Missy, is Angie Harmon being considered to play Dar???" LADYHAWKE: hey wheres your hat Ms Thing? Missy Good: actually, Debby was considering ding the movie with Muppets. LADYHAWKE: shhhhh Question submitted : Miss Piggy as Dar?? Moderator: Hawaiian Amazon says: "Even if you can't say who, have you cast anyone besides Rob. T?" LADYHAWKE: no angie harmon...sorry Missy Good: as a musical with Muppets. LADYHAWKE: yes we have we have a total of three on board LADYHAWKE: ohhh dancing Moderator: tri-knot. says: "what roles have been cast?" Missy Good: now they're going to ask you which three, Debby. Missy Good: (laugh) LADYHAWKE: no kidding Missy Good: well, are you going to tell them? LADYHAWKE: kerry's mon.....alastair.....collen...and possiby Kerry Moderator: Stacey says: "Is that a 'no' you haven't asked her (angie Harmon) yet, or a 'no' she hasn't said yes yet?" LADYHAWKE: No to concidering Angie Moderator: Lunacy says: "Any decisions on the shooting location yet? I'm thinking Miami would be PERFECT." Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: Missy favorite location Missy Good: Lun.. if you'd read the Hollywood Reporter blurb - filimng is in Florida and New York. Missy Good: and I don't think we're doing Gainseville. Moderator: Crz×ena says: "are you actually gonna film on fisher island or is that part of the story changed?" LADYHAWKE: you go girl Missy Good: We'd have to hock a space shuttle to film on Fisher. Missy Good: so no. Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: fisher island is a no...they wont let us Moderator: Llerendel says: "Are you still raising money, or do you have enough for production?" LADYHAWKE: for production or start up? Moderator: either LADYHAWKE: hey are you going to get more expresso? Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: we are still trying to attain investment for the development...there is much to do Moderator: Effluvia says: "Have other Hollywood investors/backers signed onto the project yet?" LADYHAWKE: now....concerning the production....we cam in at 10.4 mill LADYHAWKE: we are locating our production money as we speak Missy Good: (literally) Moderator: Alaska says: "What is the planned timeline for the filming and slated release?" LADYHAWKE: =) LADYHAWKE: we hope for the opening to be NOv 17th Moderator: of THIS year? wow LADYHAWKE: we also hope to start production on feb 14th Question submitted : Any special reason for 11/17? Moderator: Grlband1 says: "2000, right" Moderator: oh! bad Missy Good: 2000, yes. LADYHAWKE: yes Moderator: Shari says: "Any special reason for 11/17?" LADYHAWKE: theres an echo in here Missy Good: Debby liked the date? LADYHAWKE: its a good time for the holiday release Question submitted : Thanks LADYHAWKE: and keeps us in 2000 for the oscars Moderator: Chiclet says: "This project seems so refreshing compared to the cliches about Hollywodd. Is that a conscious effort or is it just that the people involved are so great? *G*" LADYHAWKE: my birthday is nov 16th so why not Missy Good: it'll be cool enough to wear an extremely light fur to the opening here in Florida. (dg) LADYHAWKE: yahoo LADYHAWKE: its because we a a bunch of fun people Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Have you two finally met in person???" Missy Good: Everyone I've spoken to in the production so far has had a sense of humor. LADYHAWKE: in another life i am sure Missy Good: good indication. LADYHAWKE: very...the team has to fit like a glove Missy Good: it's not for my lack of traveling lately.. I just havent' made it to the west coast yet. LADYHAWKE: we need to breath in and out with each other LADYHAWKE: i look forward to it...this ones a keeper Moderator: Cindy says: "Do you believe in the concept of eternal soulmates or is it just a literary device?" LADYHAWKE: YES!!! Missy Good: I hope you're not asking ME that. (laughing) LADYHAWKE: (snicker) Missy Good: but, yes. Missy Good: I do. Moderator: LZClotho says: "what was the last rewrite you did on the script, Missy?" LADYHAWKE: LOL Missy Good: the one last night? Well, I had... Missy Good: whoops. Missy Good: can't go there. LADYHAWKE: you can try Moderator: Jules says: "Do LL and ROC know about this film? If so, what are their thoughts?" Missy Good: refining the characterizations, I guess you coudl call it. LADYHAWKE: hard to say Missy Good: was the last rewrite. Missy Good: that was.... obscure... Debby. (G) LADYHAWKE: restructuring some of the scenes LADYHAWKE: you like that...=) Missy Good: do they know? Well, I would think they know just like eveyrone else that's been calling Debby nows... Missy Good: it's in the Hollywood Reporter, so... Missy Good: I"m glad her numbers in there, not mine. Yeesh. Moderator: Womynstar says: "does that mean that they have called Debbie?" LADYHAWKE: who? LADYHAWKE: lucy and renee Moderator: Lucy and Renee Missy Good: who? (chuckle) LADYHAWKE: not personally no Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: =) Moderator: Stacey says: "Have either of you thought about sending the book to Rosie O'Donnell or Oprah Winfrey? They're both always endorsing stuff they like - it'd be great exposure and a way to generate early support for themovie...?" LADYHAWKE: no...we are going to approach rosie and oprah for different things in the future Moderator: Lunacy says: "Debby were you aware of fan fiction or had you been involved in a fandom prior to reading Missy's stuff? " LADYHAWKE: I was aware of the fan fiction...had been reading it for 2 years Moderator: WhymZ says: "Has Rob Trevor commented on the script? What was his reaction? " LADYHAWKE: this ones yours missy Missy Good: (laugh) Missy Good: He's seen a prelminary copy. Missy Good: not the one we're working on, so that's hard to say what his reaction is going to be. Missy Good: I would suppose he likes Alastair. (G) Missy Good: he had some good suggestions as to backstory. Moderator: piti-pup says: "Has anyone sent LL or ROC a copy of TS?" Missy Good: the book? Moderator: piti-pup says: "yes the book" LADYHAWKE: OH....and Maria is a possible for attachment...she has to read the old friend Missy Good: it's the 'read the script' thing again, isn't it? (g) Missy Good: piti - no - I did give a copy to Steve Sears, though. LADYHAWKE: yup....=) Moderator: Daysparrow says: "Missy did you talk to Steven Sear's about it at Dragoncon?" Missy Good: about... the movie or the book? Missy Good: we talked about a bunch of stuff. Missy Good: (gg) Moderator: Daysparrow says: "About the movie and the book :-)" Missy Good: yes - we discussed both. LADYHAWKE: you lose something? Missy Good: he gave me some good advice about the film industry. Moderator: Elassar says: "Any chance of Steven Sears making a cameo?" Missy Good: (laugh) Well, Debby? LADYHAWKE: LOL.... LADYHAWKE: in one way oth the other Missy Good: you have tape on him. Missy Good: (laughing) LADYHAWKE: sync Moderator: Devon says: "Hi Missy, just want to say I truly love your work. My question is did you guys have any luck casting your main characters Dar and Kerry so far?" Missy Good: Debby, do you get the idea that's going to be the main questino for a while? LADYHAWKE: Dar, no....Kerry, possibily LADYHAWKE: yup!! Moderator: you have no idea how many I have not forwarded Moderator: Missy Good: (g) Missy Good: that's a really important part of the thign, as you all can guess. Missy Good: getting the riight people there... and the right chemistry. LADYHAWKE: these characters must breath in and out together Missy Good: literally. (ggg) LADYHAWKE: =) LADYHAWKE: here...let me use your jacket...its too cold in here Moderator: Folly says: "We know Bob is playing Alistar, can you tell us anything about the possible Mrs. Stuart?" Missy Good: (G) Missy Good: let's not talk about cold, hmm? Missy Good: it's about 89 degrees in the room I"m in. LADYHAWKE: why Ms thing...wharever do you mean???? LADYHAWKE: Mrs Stuart...what in the world did you want to know Question submitted : Are we going to get Sally and Michael in here sometime to talk about what they're doing? Missy Good: probalby like.. who it is? Missy Good: (I'm guessing here) Moderator: Jules says: "Florence Henderson would make a GREAT Mrs. Stuart!" LADYHAWKE: ya Think? Missy Good: yeah. Missy Good: I think. LADYHAWKE: we are talking to Glenn Close Question submitted : WOW! Moderator: Shari says: "WOW!" Missy Good: (ggg) Missy Good: I bet. Missy Good: that's what I said. Moderator: Hawaiian Amazon says: "Ooohhhh! I am IMPRESSED! WOW!!" LADYHAWKE: =) LADYHAWKE: I worked with Glenn in Sunset Blvd LADYHAWKE: she needs to see a SCRIPT Moderator: Rhiannon Silverflame says: "Glenn was WONDERFUL in Sunset Blvd. . . I really like that possibility!" Missy Good: hmm... and you have notes for me then? Missy Good: I finished the ones from yesterday. LADYHAWKE: I will in an hour Moderator: Lynn says: "Missy, have you had to had to remove or rework the dreams to "hide" references to X & G to avoid conflicts with Universal Studios?" LADYHAWKE: the first 40? Missy Good: the dream sequences are not in thne movie. Missy Good: yes - first 40 are done. LADYHAWKE: Phewww Missy Good: and the two voice overs you asked for. LADYHAWKE: very cool...we will chat after Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Any comment on the Lunar copyright infringement issue? Any concerns from either of you on this topic?" Missy Good: Well, I can speak on that. LADYHAWKE: not from my end Missy Good: From what I understand, what was being sold were altered registered images owned by Studios USA. Missy Good: Now... Missy Good: I don't know if they were being sold for profit, or just to cover costs... Missy Good: but that situation doesn't have any bearing on what we're doing. Moderator: Folly says: "Any concern about Missy having the camera to shoot locations and STORMS in Miami? After all, the girl's already been hit by lightening twice." Missy Good: (laugh) Missy Good: we'd discussed it. LADYHAWKE: now you tell me Missy Good: 'we were hoping for a real tropical cyclone to film. LADYHAWKE: not at all....just as long as she gets it on film....(snicker) Missy Good: gee, thanks, Deb. LADYHAWKE: you and me babe.... Moderator: Elassar says: "Missy do get any sleep with all the work you do or just go without sleep altogether?" Missy Good: no. I get sleep... five or six hours or so. Missy Good: I just multitask. Missy Good: like now. Missy Good: I"m writing a storybit in between questions LADYHAWKE: no kidding ...i am reading a SCRIPT Moderator: Philocleon says: "oooh, that's gotta take a toll. keep drinkin that coffee!" Missy Good: oh.. one I''m familiar with? LADYHAWKE: perhaps.... LADYHAWKE: this woman goes to sleep on coffee Missy Good: yup. Moderator: Jules says: "Will Gab the Lab be in the film?" LADYHAWKE: yes! Missy Good: (g) Missy Good: I hope so. Missy Good: She's hoping for her big break. LADYHAWKE: on the beach Missy Good: actually.. all she wants out of life is to meet Renee O'Connor. LADYHAWKE: before the mustang LADYHAWKE: and she will.... Moderator: Jules says: "Does this film consist only of "TS", or does some of " Hurricane" play into it"" Missy Good: only TS. Missy Good: though.. since I wrote the script after HW... Missy Good: I have a better understanding of the characters. Moderator: Stacey says: "Are there plans to also make a book and film of Hurricane Watch?" LADYHAWKE: we tear them apart regularly Missy Good: I hope so. (G) LADYHAWKE: =) Moderator: Womynstar says: "was is more difficult to write the book or the script, Missy?" Missy Good: hmm. Missy Good: totally different. Missy Good: writing prose for me is relaxing. I"m just taking dictation. Missy Good: the script, on the other hand, is like one huge puzzle, and you ahve to move things around Missy Good: till they fit. Missy Good: so you can't really compare the two., in terms of harder or easier. Moderator: No1 says: "if the movie is a hit will there be a tv series?" LADYHAWKE: she has done quite well stepping into the screenplay world Missy Good: (G) thank you, Debby. LADYHAWKE: Missy and I are involved in a TV series, but not TS Missy Good: it would be tough to have TS be a series. LADYHAWKE: your very welcome Missy Good: it would be a router down of the week show. (G) Moderator: Daysparrow says: "What is the TV series? Can you tell?" Question submitted : Could you elaborate on that Debby? LADYHAWKE: lol..... Missy Good: (litlte nerd joke there. Sorry) Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Missy, when you write your stories, do you have an outline or are you just hooking into the divine cosmos?" Missy Good: I know where the story starts, and ends, but how they get their is always a surprise. Missy Good: the characters (both sets) have minds of their own sometimes. Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Amazing" Moderator: Lynn says: "Missy, did you have dreams of becoming a published author or of writing a screenplay or has all of this been a surprise? " Missy Good: one huge, honking, no centaur poop surprise. Moderator: heh LADYHAWKE: I wish you would say how you really feel Question submitted : Missy, what did you dream of doing? Missy Good: trust me.. this was not in my life plans at any time. Moderator: piti-pup says: "Any thought on soundtracks yet?" Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Philocleon says: "what kind of music will b in the movie?" Missy Good: ah.. this one's for Debby. LADYHAWKE: many thoughts Missy Good: NO POLKA. Missy Good: SO DON"T ASK. Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: a lot of the film will be underscored.....with about 6 contemp songs for the cd LADYHAWKE: whats a polka? Missy Good: it's a dot. I"ll send you one. LADYHAWKE: cool.... Moderator: Rhiannon Silverflame says: "Are you leaning toward any particular genres, as far as the contemporary music goes, yet?" LADYHAWKE: emotional heart stopping 3rd character move to to no end underscore Missy Good: contrary to popular belief.. we are not trying to get Will Smith for the main theme. LADYHAWKE: LOL...I have to say missy made that decision and I have to agree Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "How long were you reading fan fiction Missy before you started writing your own?" LADYHAWKE: we will be talking to Mr LoDuca Missy Good: Um.... two weeks. Missy Good: (sheepish look) LADYHAWKE: thats cool LADYHAWKE: the muse spoke Moderator: Folly says: "Will you describe how the two of you are working together on this SCRIPT you keep talking about?" Missy Good: the muse hit me over the head with a chakram. Missy Good: does abbot and costello ring a bell? LADYHAWKE: no kidding Missy Good: (just kidding) Missy Good: it's been a very nice process. LADYHAWKE: frick and frack LADYHAWKE: nick and nora Moderator: *Aristo Zandra says: "Bet the chakram didn't know what hit it. ;)" Missy Good: but we do tell a lot of jokes. Missy Good: "Hey little girl.. you want a carrot??" LADYHAWKE: are you kidding..I LOVE THIS WOMAN LADYHAWKE: i ve already had my lunch Moderator: No1 says: "your chemistry is grat together, how about you guys as d & k?" Missy Good: nu uh.. homey doesn't do acting. LADYHAWKE: thats a good one Missy Good: and my acting teachers in college will attest to that. Missy Good: they passed me on a pity grade. LADYHAWKE: strickly a behind the scenes gal here Moderator: slbowers says: "10.4 million is a lot of money. Any thoughts about going the indi route? High Art, Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love, and When Night is Falling were all filmed for less than $5 million." Moderator: Effluvia says: "To Ladyhawke: How did you come up with the $10 million price range? Could the project be done viably for less?" LADYHAWKE: honestly, i am trying to get the budget down to 7 mil....we will remain an independent film LADYHAWKE: either way Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Are you shooting for a wide release or just the big cities in the USA?" Missy Good: as long as we don't have to airlift that Harley to Michigan. LADYHAWKE: as we speak to miramax we hope for a wide release LADYHAWKE: much along the lines of high art Moderator: Jules says: "Are you planning on showing at Sundance?" LADYHAWKE: which went into over 800 theatres LADYHAWKE: yes Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Canne?" LADYHAWKE: slbowers.....nice surprise LADYHAWKE: yes Moderator: Rhiannon Silverflame says: "The Los Angeles OutFest film festival is running right now . . . do you think it's a possibility that TS might be a participant in that, in future?" LADYHAWKE: no Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Don't want to pidgeon hole your production by being too gay?" LADYHAWKE: it will be a cross over will be about love and oh by the way...they happen to be 2 women Moderator: Candy says: "Like High Art.. are you already considering home video releases." LADYHAWKE: yes LADYHAWKE: and dvd Moderator: TravlnBard says: "Missy, what has been the most exciting part about this movie endeavor for you?" Missy Good: Hmm. Missy Good: good question. LADYHAWKE: i think you woke her up Missy Good: for me, it's just been incredibly facinating to watch the process come together. LADYHAWKE: i think the best is yet to come really Missy Good: I think, though... Missy Good: that I'm more excited about watching other people get excited, if that makes any sense. Moderator: Effluvia says: "Is Mia Hamm being considered to play Dar?" Missy Good: (laughing) Missy Good: Did you get that pic sent to teh list, too? LADYHAWKE: who is that? Missy Good: goodness graciouis. Missy Good: think soccer, Deb. LADYHAWKE: ahhhh...say no more Missy Good: (even I know who she is... this is scary) Moderator: Stacey says: "Have any of the people you've considered casting in the movie rejected it outright because it's about two women?" LADYHAWKE: lol LADYHAWKE: no LADYHAWKE: we havent really gotten into the casting process LADYHAWKE: i am sure that will be the case about some people that we would really like to have on the project Moderator: slbowers says: "Who's turned it down? For any reason?" LADYHAWKE: no one yet...... Missy Good: it's funny.. but people dont' mention that a lot when we talk about the story. Missy Good: and... LADYHAWKE: like i said...i have offered to a very select few for now and they are all involved Missy Good: from what I"ve seen about people in the business... Missy Good: they are interested in working in a quality production... Missy Good: most of them know.. they play characters who aren't themselves. LADYHAWKE: very much so.... Missy Good: I think.. you'd have to be pretty insecure... Missy Good: to turn down paying work.. because the characater might... LADYHAWKE: very astute Missy Good: be someone..or do something.. Missy Good: that you woudn't. Missy Good: after all... Missy Good: Bob Trebor played Son of Sam. Missy Good: just a though. Missy Good: er.. thought. Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Is there any Dar or Kerry in you Missy or are both these characters completely unlike you?" Missy Good: no. (laughing) Missy Good: there are little bits and pieces of both of them in me. Missy Good: and in people I know. Missy Good: but the characters are themselves - as a whole, they are not based on anyone in particular. Moderator: Lynn says: "Missy, I noticed the EDS logo on the stands at the Women's World Cup Soccor games. Is that "your" EDS Borg?" Missy Good: yep. Missy Good: that'd be us. Missy Good: if we get any nice promo pictures of the ladies - I'll be sure to upload them. (G) Moderator: WhymZ says: "How frequently do the two of you talk? And Missy, does it get exhausting for you to write, work AND be involved in this movie? " Missy Good: as for my part - no. Missy Good: It's not very tiring... LADYHAWKE: we talk every day Missy Good: the writing is very relaxing. Missy Good: it gets tough when I have to travel...but other than that.. no. Moderator: Sathenas says: "hey, speaking of which, did you mention the news about TS to the TPTB at EDS?" Missy Good: my boss knows, yes. Missy Good: (G) Moderator: everyone got those acronyms?? Missy Good: (boy, does he.. that's a story in itself) Moderator: Lynn says: "Share it if you can MIssy..." Missy Good: he thinks it's amazing.. and we're hoping to get him a cameo. (G) Missy Good: it's too long.. (laughing) Missy Good: I typed it out for Debby. LADYHAWKE: done... Missy Good: (I work for Dilbert, btw.) Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Does this mean a promotion for you at EDS??? LOL" LADYHAWKE: =) Missy Good: (g) Missy Good: Nope.. I'm happy where I am at EDS right now, thanks... Moderator: Debby, Missy, we've been going well over an hour...let me know when you've had enough Missy Good: when's the ice cream?' LADYHAWKE: im fine LADYHAWKE: could use a cup "o" coffee Moderator: piti-pup says: "Missy, do you get to read any fan fic anymore?" Missy Good: I never did get to read it. Missy Good: (as most folks know) Missy Good: I have read a few pieces... Missy Good: which I really liked... Missy Good: but there's only 24 hours in a day, and all that. Moderator: piti-pup says: "can pups volunteer to help out on the set?" Missy Good: (gggg) deeebbyyyy.... LADYHAWKE: skajdfhbjkertlvnetaukrvjr Moderator: LOL Missy Good: specially since we'll be in Miami... Moderator: Stacey says: "That's Swedish, right?" Missy Good: can you imagine a month long pupfest? LADYHAWKE: when the time comes...there will be a call for certain people...yes Missy Good: how cool would that be? LADYHAWKE: late novemeber i guess Moderator: Valentino says: "can seed money still be contributed by individuals" Missy Good: we could take over one of those little hotels on the beach... Missy Good: and rent, of course, a bus. Missy Good: Laur could drive it. LADYHAWKE: ohhh...sounds like fun Moderator: Stacey says: "I think you'd need a fleet of buses." Moderator: Laur says: "I'm thinking the bus would rock the ferry....Missy, can you rig it to stablize?" LADYHAWKE: sure Val.....we can always use the help...thanks for asking Missy Good: Laur, that would take something the size of Soverign of the Seas. (G) Missy Good: we could take that over, I guess. Missy Good: and just take the Sov everywhere. Moderator: *Aristo Zandra says: "There you go... like Disney does cruises, you can do a Pup cruise." Missy Good: (g) Missy Good: November is nice here. Moderator: Folly says: "are we talking a go there ship now?" Missy Good: yup. LADYHAWKE: looks like it Moderator: Lynn says: "Just let me know when it sails? I'll get the gold card out for that trip!" Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Missy/Deb, do either of you work out like Dar??!!" Missy Good: we could take the whole cast, huh Deb? Missy Good: You must be my spare time, right? LADYHAWKE: I do...yes Missy Good: (laughing) Missy Good: No. Missy Good: Ded does, though. Missy Good: er..Deb. Missy Good: (sorry) LADYHAWKE: sniff Moderator: *Aristo Zandra says: "Do you guys get chocolate and snacks as much as Dar and Kerry? ;)" Missy Good: My herd at work loves TS. LADYHAWKE: still havent seen that lobster Missy Good: I share all my goodies with them. Missy Good: they've learned that boxes on my desk are good thigns. LADYHAWKE: can you say choc cheescake Moderator: Laur says: "What do you think Dar would find most interesting about making the movie?" Missy Good: my guess is, she woudn't. LADYHAWKE: the shower curtains Missy Good: (G) Missy Good: she'd run around asking why things coudn't go faster. Missy Good: and drive people insane. Moderator: Spike says: "What drew you to TS versus all the other fanfic out there?" LADYHAWKE: yes...its the hurry up and wait process Moderator: (for Debby) LADYHAWKE: is that me? LADYHAWKE: well....... LADYHAWKE: i was very interested in 2 other pieces of fan fic when i found (or i should say lunacy pointed the way to) TS Missy Good: Lunacy.. her reviews will change the world. LADYHAWKE: I started to read TS...and fell in love with the characters LADYHAWKE: htey stayed with me in everything that i did Moderator: Lynn says: "... as we all did!" LADYHAWKE: i could not shake them Missy Good: me either. LADYHAWKE: i asked myself some very hard questions.....then called Missy Missy Good: (wg) Missy Good: I was really surprised. LADYHAWKE: I'lll say Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "Did you think it was a joke?" LADYHAWKE: she really thought i was from another planet Missy Good: No... Missy Good: I got a mail from Debby sayng she'd like to option TS to make a movie out of it. Missy Good: so I sent back.. "Sounds like fun.. what's an option?" LADYHAWKE: she contacted steve sears...the good thing about that is that i had just had lunch with him that week Missy Good: and yep - I sent a note to steve that basically said.. "What the heck is all this?" Missy Good: fortunately... he was nice enough to answr. LADYHAWKE: steve thought that we would make a good team LADYHAWKE: he was right....... Moderator: Kurious Kat says: "And you still haven't met . . . incredible." Missy Good: because, let me tel lyou.. I had less than NO clue about anything to do with movies. LADYHAWKE: that must be for you Missy Good: nope.. not yet... Missy Good: maybe something will go down in LA, and I'l have to fly out there. You never know. (G) Moderator: Stacey says: "Missy, do you see yourself giving up your job to write, screenwrite, coproduce full time?" Missy Good: that's impossible to say. A lot depends on how TS goes. LADYHAWKE: personaly.....I do Missy Good: (G) Missy Good: I knew you were going to say that. (G) LADYHAWKE: its one of my missions LADYHAWKE: i am a greedy woman Moderator: WhymZ says: "Debby I imagine that the whole pupdom, fandom, internet world is unique to this project, what has it been like for you, jumping in and getting "slobbered" on?" Missy Good: Hey.. I sent her kleenex!!! LADYHAWKE: Its been great.......and very different way of doing biz Moderator: WhymZ says: "I hope you sent ALOT! " LADYHAWKE: well my spare room is full Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Laur says: "your spare room is also a shower?" LADYHAWKE: is gabby there beside you? Missy Good: of course. She's chewing on a new toy. LADYHAWKE: whhhhhy yes Laur...there is LADYHAWKE: smooch her nose for me Missy Good: okay. Missy Good: ew Missy Good: it's wet. LADYHAWKE: you have a hair in the corner of your mouth Missy Good: don't lets go there with labrador hairs, okay? Missy Good: I collect enough each day to make a whole new dog. LADYHAWKE: (creeping silently out of the room) Moderator: Okay, one last question for Missy Missy Good: hokay. LADYHAWKE: want your jacket back? Moderator: Lynn says: "Missy, do you see your stories evolving and continuing after (gasp... sniff... sob!) X & G - the series ends?" Missy Good: depends on if they keep talking. Missy Good: theyve been really chatty lately. Missy Good: I'd have to say yes, at this point. Missy Good: but you never know. LADYHAWKE: thing can and do change Moderator: Debby, Missy, do you have any parting words for the audience? Missy Good: oh.. if anyone who hasn't already seen it wants a sneak peek.. Missy Good: there. LADYHAWKE: see ya next month...same bat channel Missy Good: I'm done. Moderator: Moderator: Thanks so much! Missy Good: chow... Moderator: And that's a wrap, folks. The PalacePresents event "Tropical Storm Chat 2" is over. Thank you for attending.